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ATI Catalyst video options.

Posted: Wed Jul 21, 2010 1:24 pm
by Eldarian
Kind regards from a proud Splash PRO owner.

Thumbs up for low system footprint and amazing performance video player.

OK off to my question.
I love my ATI 5870 card and I want it to sweat. :D

I would like to know if when I set Vector Adaptive De-interlacing that it is active and not your motion compensated one because it is bounds superior. I realllllly want Vector Adaptive to be my default but it is not amongst the selectable options.

Also I would like to know if other options like Edge enhancing and noise filtering etc in ATI Catalyst options override your settings and vice versa.

Picture of VA de-interlacing superiority.

P.S.: I tested the Deinterlace test video using Media Player, PMC and some ohers. The ARE using VA, I tested the TS file in Splash PRO and to my horrid surprise I witnessed weave or motion comp deinterlacing in action.

Download tests from here.

In codec options it is usually the 2nd from the bottom up in this picture.


Re: ATI Catalyst video options.

Posted: Wed Jul 21, 2010 7:40 pm
by Nielo TM
It does indeed work on Spash Pro (along with all the features offered by ATI)

However, VA and MCFI (Motion 2) can't work together. When MCFI is enabled, de-interlacing is disabled and all the processing is shifted to the CPU.

Re: ATI Catalyst video options.

Posted: Thu Jul 22, 2010 12:37 pm
by Eldarian
Thank you for a reply. ;)