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Truth about Mirillis - Not for Gaming

Posted: Sat Aug 30, 2014 1:54 pm
by HippoZoned
While Mirillis may keep the hit to your cpu low, it also comes at a cost. It records crap quality. I compared Mirillis and DXtory with the same game and the same render settings and DXtory wins hands down. I'm sure mirillis can be great but at the moment it records dark for me even at 1080p - 0-255 normal or high 30fps with the video exported 1080p mp4.

As far as I know there is just no way to fix this, the quality is really sacrificed for performance and it shows if you really look at whats being outputted. I would love to know how they claim to be able to cap in 1080p without the pc taking a hit at all, it just doesnt seem logical. I bought Mirillis on sale so I didnt really take a hit financially but still this feels like a waste of money, I bought a product that claims to be able to do something it just cannot.. Here are the comparison videos:

Mirillis -

capped at 1080p, 30fps, 0-255, High, MP4 AMD APP.

DXtory -

capped at 1080p, 30fps, standard settings.

you be the judge tell me which you like better

Re: Truth about Mirillis - Not for Gaming

Posted: Sat Aug 30, 2014 6:16 pm
by Claunator
U recorded straight to MP4 with hardware acceleration so of course it looks like sh*t. Record to .avi and it's next to the quality as when u played.

Re: Truth about Mirillis - Not for Gaming

Posted: Sat Aug 30, 2014 6:48 pm
by HippoZoned
Avi would have yielded the same results. I tested with both but i got what i thought a tad bit better quality with mp4 but ill make another video and see if it changes

Re: Truth about Mirillis - Not for Gaming

Posted: Tue Sep 02, 2014 10:00 pm
by TheTrexable
Have you tried doing this over But changing over to 720p?

note:: I record and upload videos to youtube and only record with 720p NEVER 1080p (most people cant even watch in 1080p)

Re: Truth about Mirillis - Not for Gaming

Posted: Wed Sep 03, 2014 1:18 pm
by HippoZoned
this test includes the video from mirillis being exported, however if the video is not exported its quality is increased almost double

So many may think I was originally hard on Mirillis, so I re did the test with a new game, and some new footage. My verdict, I still chose DXtory but Mirillis help up alot better, I'll explain.

Performance: Neither - So both of the software capped a video size of the same length with optimal performance, neither really had an advantage over the other however I have a pretty decent machine, Mirillis may work for others on a machine with less capability.

File Size : Mirillis - While initially neither software capped a file size much different both capped a 6 min video at about 6gb. how Mirillis wins is because I was able to export the video which basically cut the file size to under 1gb and resulted in a smaller file in the end after I rendered it in Vegas.

Quality: DXtory - The reason I pick DXtory for this is because it took less editing to get the video to look amazing, while Mirillis didn't need a bunch of extra stuff, i did need to make a few more tweaks to keep the video from looking washed out.

Rendered Video(before upload): Neither - No video really had an advantage, personally I like the render of the DXtory video a tad bit better but, the Mirillis render didnt look half bad, personally I still felt it was lacking in quality.

Youtube: DXtory - now while it may have taken a tad bit longer to upload the DXtory video because its file size was larger, it plays in good quality at 480p which the Mirillis video does not. if you were to put both clips to 1080p they may look almost identical, however its clear one is better than the other.

With that out the way, here is the new videos. you be the judge tell me which you liked better...

Both videos were capped in AVI format. Mirillis was exported MP4 High profile both rendered WMV format

Mirillis -

DXtory -

Re: Truth about Mirillis - Not for Gaming

Posted: Thu Sep 04, 2014 2:16 pm
by radi
Thousands of users are satisfied with the results that they are getting with their recordings. Most of the bad quality claims lays on poorly chosen recording settings.

Re: Truth about Mirillis - Not for Gaming

Posted: Sun Nov 09, 2014 1:19 am
by Buffometer
By default DXtory compresses(Dxtory video codec) to true RGB24 colorspace, of course it would be little better in quality.
Aсtion uses something more optimized, like YV12 or YV24, which does not use the extra color information, resulting in higher perfomance/less file sizes, just some of the colors will be slightly different, visually almost the same quality.
Difference in some hundredths of percentage.

Re: Truth about Mirillis - Not for Gaming

Posted: Tue Nov 11, 2014 12:17 am
by CrazyAuburn
I do agree with hippo. I have terrible quality when recording. All settings were set to the best (Even ingame) and it looked like i was playing at 420p in the video. I recorded at 720p and everything. After all i have tried im considering going back to dxtory. I posted a recent topic on the recordings and if you want to see what i mean then let me know. Or just look in the forums for "Horrible quality in videos".

Re: Truth about Mirillis - Not for Gaming

Posted: Sat Nov 15, 2014 11:41 am
by radi
CrazyAuburn wrote:I do agree with hippo. I have terrible quality when recording. All settings were set to the best (Even ingame) and it looked like i was playing at 420p in the video. I recorded at 720p and everything. After all i have tried im considering going back to dxtory. I posted a recent topic on the recordings and if you want to see what i mean then let me know. Or just look in the forums for "Horrible quality in videos".
Are you sure that your LIVE streaming settings were not overwriting you Video Recording settings? It's a common mistake where users complain about the quality when another (usually lower) settings are used instead of the main one.

Re: Truth about Mirillis - Not for Gaming

Posted: Sat Nov 15, 2014 7:05 pm
by MrTra1tor
You probably set your bitrate too low, and you recorded in .avi...

Action! isn't the best when it comes to quality, but the performance is so excellent that the slight quality drop doesn't matter.

I only record in .mp4 if I know that I will record a really long video (3 hours long, like a Livestream), but otherwise I go for .avi, and the results are always excellent.

I did find out however that while rendering in Adobe Premiere, Action!'s quality will decrease quite a lot if you choose the wrong bitrate (18 is what most Youtubers use). Changing that to 24 and you get a really good quality video, at the cost of a really long rendering time.