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Video is choppy

Posted: Mon Oct 31, 2022 2:04 pm
by Zippy
Greetings. I have the following problem.

My specs: i7 8700k, RTX 2080, I write to SSD, windows latest version, graphics card drivers latest version.

I record games at 60 fps, 1440p.

When recording games, the game itself works perfectly, smoothly and well. But the final video is not smooth, and it looks like it has less than 60 fps (although both mediainfo and windup say that the recording is 60 fps).

I don't know exactly when this problem occurred, I was taking a break from recording, but back in April 2022 everything was fine, recording was smooth. Now, on the same settings, on the same system, the video is choppy.

I have tried:
Turning g-sunc off and on.
Turning v-sync on and off.
Different resolution, different bitrate.
All possible options of hardware acceleration (nvenc, nvenc hevc, nvenc HDR10)
Install earlier version of Windows. Install earlier video card drivers.
Set the lowest graphics settings for games.
Turn off game bar and game mode in Windows.
Turn off the second monitor.
Limit fps in the game.

Tak also tried all recording settings in OBS itself. Nothing helps, the video is choppy.

None of this helps. Videos look choppy on all monitors, all refresh rates (60, 120, any).

The problem obviously started after April 2022. Until then everything was fine.

Re: Video is choppy

Posted: Thu Nov 03, 2022 7:00 am
by Piotr
Could you please provide me a video sample where your issue occurs? Please upload your original video file to one of the popular sharing sites like Google Drive or Dropbox. It will help us investigate your issue.