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Joined: Sun Feb 05, 2023 7:58 pm
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Detrimental interactions with Win 10 during playback

Sun Feb 05, 2023 8:22 pm

Hey folks, I recently stumbled upon a strange and possibly bad(?) issue with Splash. I was playing a downloaded video from Youtube in the back ground, and I just happened to move a window away with the video playing behind it, and the window movement became very choppy! I checked task manager and DWM and Window's Animalware processes were spiking in CPU usage. Afterwards, even the video was playing choppy! Even worse, simply closing Splash did not fix the issue, as dragging windows around was still choppy, and I was only able to fix it by restarting my pc. Kinda bad, I think??

The same video playing in VLC had no issues, and I'm curious if the framerate/video enhancements in Splash was causing the issue. But It's not worth it to have to restart my PC again! And I think it might be affecting the performance of my PC. I've link the codec info of the video *here!*

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