Games are great, no doubt about it. We’ve already covered a couple of topic featuring either game genres, or some great horror games and more. The time has come to remind ourselves about the best old and newer racing games there are. Check out the list of 10 most enjoyed racing titles of all time. 10. Forza Motorsport 4 First, “five”, then “two”, “six”, “seven”, and “four”. Our memories and...
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November 28, 2017
Category: Game
We have already talked about retro games, and this time it is time to give some examples of games which today may be labeled as “old” but still incredibly great to play (as long as you’re not bothered by graphics). It is true that games do evolve, however the old games presented here had either so much depth with awesome story or an incredibly high replayability rate, with some examples...
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What are retro games? For those who would like to try out some retro games but don’t exactly know what those are (and yet still probably know most of the retro titles), we’ve provided a short description of the sub-genre of gaming. The simplest description of those games would simply be “old games”. More specifically, every game developed between 70′ and very early 2000 can fall into “Retro games” category....
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INTRODUCTION The world of games may perhaps be called an entirely new universe. The number of video games is so vast that it practically cannot be counted by any traditional means. If someone is even remotely interested in gaming, he or she can find a specific game that will suit their needs. Whether you need great graphics, story, combat, freedom, difficulty, thrill, fear, laughter, it’s all there! We’ve categorized every...
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